
National Artist Market

National Artist Market March 23 > Open to the public 12>8pmMarch 24> Open to the public 12>7pm @ The Hoxton Hotel Brussels

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Designfest Ghent – De Wilde Route

Under the motto ‘Be Wild, Act & Change’, the first edition of Designfest Gent take place from 22/04/22 to 01/05/22. The city of Ghent, BE is than a Design Walhalla with exhibitions and events.My work is part of ‘De wilde route’, a route along various design shops. Each shop give

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launch Multiple Choice pillows

On Saturday 5th of March 2022 I launched my new collection of pillows. Honoured to be a guest at Galerie Pont en Plas (Ghent) where I could present the Multiple Choice Pillows for the first time to the public. 

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04/11/22 – 06/11/22
Nationa(a)l Artist Market

Maison de la Poste – Tour & Taxis
Picardstraat 5/7 – 1000 Brussels Belgium

04/11-05/11: 12:00-20:00 
06/11:          12:00-18:00