Triptiek collection
Triptiek is a growing collection of interior objects, equipped and adorned with leather patterns. It’s a collaboration with interior collective ONBETAALBAAR; the process was realised thanks to TOP-atelier. Leather is recovered from thrifted seats and factory surpluses, and cut into strips. I combine the client’s colour preferences with the leather availability. The strips are woven into […]
Multiple Choice collection
Multiple Choice is a collection of objects enriched by a unique fabric, knitted from recycled denim yarns. I developed the Multiple Choice technique over the past few years, using recycled jeans yarns in contemporary textile designs. I started by knitting two chosen colours into a ribbon with an unpredictable pattern, on a old knitting machine. Stitched together, […]
MUD was a reseach project that explored the use of local, natural ingedrients to colour textile. I was invited into the workshop of photographer Kristof Vrancken, where I worked with flowers, and plants, but also with colouring options hidden underground, such as clay and mud. The project concluded into an exhibition in Z33 (Hasselt, Belgium) […]
Belicht was a research project that studied the transformational powers of light and nature. Operating in my closest surroundings, I used fading colours, decaying textures and natural materials as opportunities to create patterns and dye. These tactile experiments brought to light a reflection on time and the environment. This project was supported by Toegepast 17 […]